VPS network bandwidth

VPS network bandwidth is not to be confused with network traffic.  Network bandwidth is the data transfer rate or speed. It is always expressed as data unit per unit time, example: 1 Mbps = 1 Megabits per second, another is 1 Gbps = 1 Gigabit per second.

So when you see 100 Mbps network bandwidth that means the theoretical speed is 100 Mbps which might be attained or not.

Why you should get higher bandwidth when possible?

Higher bandwidth means more visitors served without saturating your network connection, if you do saturate your link, that means users will wait and if a user wait, then they might as well close your page.  This of course happens only when you have a lot of visitors, most people need not to worry about their bandwidth.

Average web page size is increasing as time goes, having higher bandwidth helps in this situation.

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